“Just get new cabinets,” your friends tell you. “That will help your kitchen a lot.”
But if you’re trying to save money and have other repairs in your home that are more important, painting your cabinets may be a better option than installing entirely new cabinets. In this article, we’ll share some of the reasons why you should consider painting your kitchen rather than getting new cabinets. Our hope in sharing why you should consider repainting your cabinets is to help you realize that there are many ways to upgrade your cabinets without having to get rid of the existing ones.
The kitchen’s role in the home
As a proverb says, “the kitchen is the heart of the home.” In a lot of ways, the kitchen is the center of what happens the most: preparing meals and bonding over food and with other family members and friends. So, the kitchen isn’t just a place that you should neglect since it holds a lot of potential if you plan to stay there for a while.
The kitchen is also a space where potential buyers place a lot of meaning when they want to purchase a property. According to the website Realtor.com, 35% of potential home buyers look to the kitchen before buying the home. This right after the living room (47%) and master bedroom (42%). What this means is that your kitchen has a huge role in whether or not a potential buyer considers your home. So, whether you’re considering selling your home or keeping it, the kitchen should be an area that you invest in.
Repainting vs. Getting New Cabinets
Now that you understand why the kitchen is so important to your home, let’s talk about the 3 benefits of repainting your cabinets. We’ll compare this to getting new cabinets and the process of getting new cabinets.
1. Repainting your cabinets can get you the same results as new cabinets
Oftentimes, people decide to install new cabinets because their current cabinets are stained or have small dents in them. But as Brush Brothers Painting, a professional painting service, we know that repainting can help solve a lot of issues. This includes peeling paint, stains, fading paint, cracking or bubbling paint and so much more. So, rather than spending a lot of time and money on getting and installing new cabinets, you can have some of the same results but with less money and time.
2. Repainting your cabinets in less expensive and is more economical
The truth is that you can’t simply get rid of everything that changes or fades away with time. Instead, you can upgrade your current cabinets by getting it repainted. At Brush Brothers Painting, we know that repainting is a lot less expensive than getting new cabinets. We also know that it’s more economical to repaint your cabinets.
3. Repaint your cabinets by replacing smaller pieces
Rather than just getting rid of the entire cabinet, you can get rid of pieces of the cabinet that are troublesome. For example, if you need new doors to your cabinets, then simply have new doors installed. You can repaint the entire cabinet so that it adds to its value. Likewise, if you’re struggling with the drawers, simply get new drawers.
Brush Brothers Painting in Utah
Brush Brothers Painting can help you with repainting in the state of Utah. We can help you figure out what paint would be best for your kitchen cabinets. We would also look at your kitchen cabinets to see whether repainting it would be a good option for you and your home. Contact us at 801-436-5110. You can also reach us here. We look forward to helping you in your journey to a beautiful home.
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